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Lovely podcast to explain smart things in a simple manner. I thought I knew about these new delivery services such as Uber Eats …, their purpose, their economic models… In fact, I knew very little before I listened to this podcast, as a bonus, Metaverse was also explained at the end.

Finally, I recharged my Toyota Yaris’ air conditioning system for 59 Euros. I stopped by the garage to pump up my car’s tires and the AC service was available, and more importantly, the waiting lane was short.

No more gums sensitivity for a while with this healthy daily routine:


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Very healthy and delicious salad!

Peer pressure is a very annoying thing I notice, people end up doing things they did not really want to do or repeat one thing they’ve agreed to one day over and over again so that a group is happy. Most of the time, I want to do things that only I want to do. […]

2.7 kGs!

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That is about how many kilograms I need to loose to be at 55.5 kgs.

I know that my mother does not give a shit about plants, she is just waiting for the right moment to throw them away when people loose interest. God only knows why she is strange in her head. Therefore, I hate it when my mother faked any interest and tried to cut them, or organized […]


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Thanks to Amazon, I could return the blue version of my “Yeti Blue” microphone for a cheaper one (-7 Euros), it is however in white and I do not mind at all!


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Just to make sure I am not missing any goodies from my healthy diet, once per week, I take one of these supplements. I really do not think I need them but who knows, it can only help :).

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