My water melon and cucumber trees are on wheels and they can climb as high as they want now. Thanks to the wheels, I can move them wherever I want, escpecially, where there is more sunlight.

Just for fun and relaxation! A small harvest otherwise these veggies would go bad!


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My Kiwi tree is climbing higher and higher!

coViD 19!

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My brother tested postive and I tested negative for Covid 19. I guess it was the right thing to do for my parents who received their 2nd booster (4th shots on June 2). Noone really cares about it to be sincere, just simple precautions of isolation for my brother who displayed minor cold symptoms from […]


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Entertaining, maybe too many elements but not boring for sure!

Due to excessive cycling and usage of my hands on the bike handles, I felt for the first time yesterday the phenomenon called “trigger finger”. My left auricular finger was blocked right after a contraction of my palm. I now need to practice exercises to fix it also.


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Excellent serie from Apple TV+. Very disturbing and yet very addictive!

The older I get and the more I love these very moldy cheese, I just love the taste of the moldy crust: it’s called “Le Valencay”

Delicious and so cheap!

It is almost over, indeed, my back and neck stifness are almost gone after few days of daily stretching. I do not like beeing bothered by these two elements of my spine since they are very important for the rest of my body motion and fluidity. They are also very critical parts of the body […]

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