Finally, the neck stiffness was gone. It was the most annoying spot to take care of. I am feeling so much more relaxed and happier today.


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Finally, the long and painful heatwave is over! Coincidentally, it happened when I caught Covid 19! I do not know if it made it worse but it was painful to have to endure both events simultaneously.

The mozarella di bufala was on sale. Usually I do not enjoy the tasteless mozarella made with cow milk. This one is made with a wild type of buffalo in Italy. It was delicious, fresh and creamy when you bite into the tiny balls of cheese.


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Very effective stretching exercise for the trapezius, it is the last spot of tension I want to fix.


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Back to normality! Since March 7 2022, I stopped the strict diet and my weight went up of course. I went back to a stright diet two weeks ago to keep things under control. My weight should be back to its optimum (55.5 kgs) in a day or two. What kept me doing the one-meal […]


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Excellent resting heart rate and stress level!


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Covid 19 did not leave a pleasant feeling for sure. I am glad it is over now. What worked best was drinking a lot and rest. I did none of that: I drank beers, used the wrong drugs for a regular cold and went for my regular cycling. So I probably suffered a bit more […]


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Everywhere on the TV, we heard record hot temperature, however, during the night yesterday and this morning, I had the impression it was …cold. I also went for cycling yesterday evening and it was hot when exposed to direct sunlight but there was also a cold breeze in the shades. Strange, maybe Covid 19 made […]

I was glad I’ve kept my humidificator. It works well against heat waves.

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