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I returned a lot of unused materials after I was done with my new floor… and, of course, a few used one that I no longer need.

Lyn & Tom’s new clothes smelled strongly naphthalene. I recognised the smell because my mother used them a lot before.

Lyn asked to return to the jumping playground, and I obliged!


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Not bad!

Lyn & Tom jumping all around: FLICKR PHOTO ALBUM!

neW FlOoR!

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It was about time I got a new floor for this room! The carpet started to stink and was too hard to maintain. It took all of my physical and mental strength to finish it in a single day with my parent’s help. My body is aching from the hard work and the use of […]

Stretching, twitching, bending, rolling, cracking, turning everywhere… and feeling great the next days!

My brother indoor greenhouse:

Hot homemade chocolate croissant using puff pastry with only 2 minutes for preparation! It is even more convenient with an air fryer.


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My daily intake of fibbers!

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