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The recipe for a healthy and balanced day is quite simple: 2 Apples, 2 Peaches and 1 Banana at lunch time. The stomach has a full day to digest all the fibbers and I can eat any junk food around 16:30. I never peeled my fruits, most of the goodies are in their skin.


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People are fighting over gas! I am glad I have my bike to move around for some minor errands and I do not need my car at the moment. I also have a lot of toilet papers in my car trunk from previous deals.


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Tons of delicious apples and they are so cheap! My stomach loves them.

grAy hAIr!

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At 46 years old, I did not get that many gray hairs, I am trully happy that I gave up on chasing these gray ones and just let them be. In fact, the more you try to hide your grey hairs the more you get. I rarely checked my hair nowadays, I do not even […]

wiFi 6!

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The internet speed from my Iphone 12 to my router with Wifi 6 is almost as fast as the optical fiber itself.


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I started a mass production of my homemade kefir from the grains I bought. The taste was as good as bought store Kefir and I enjoyed the sparkling feel of the fermented milk. It feels good to know that I am making 10 times more probiotics than yogurt and that it is good for my […]

thE USual!

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Glad I could find this drug: Actifed! I am so used to have it when treating a cold. It has more mental effect than real effect on the cold itself. I also used my normal mixture to fight off the cold: Hot Herbal Teas + Ginger + Citrus + Honey. The cold is slowly fading […]


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A lot of customers are trying to fill up their gas tank due to a good deal. An unexpected strike combined to the mass behaviour created long queues in front of gas stations. My gas tank is quite low (only 2 bars left) and I will have to wait for the end of this weird […]

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