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So Google Lens identified the race of the ugly alien dog!


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I’ve become a specialist of testing new gadgets and returning them. Sometimes people are afraid of trying stuff because of their price however Amazon has made it so easy to try and return for free.


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My brother and I, we immediately caught a minor cold, and I was quickly vaccinated against the flu. We should be protected for the rest of the cold season. Regarding Covid-19 we had 3 shots of the vaccine, and we also encountered the latest version of Omicron during its peak time.


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Warmer temperatures and more sunlight triggered new flowers growth!


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I enjoyed using my bike late to go buy some beers in the dark (around 19:00). I was looking for lamps that could easily be mounted onto my bikes and be removed quickly when not needed! I found these tiny yet powerful lamps to be attached onto the brakes’ rigid cords.


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It was about time I get a haircut. My hair was getting too long and even though I look cuter it was extremely annoying to maintain.

I was surprised by the lifetime of the Benq W1070 lamp. It finally died after 4200 hours and I had to replace the burned lamp with a new one!

Finally, Scan-to-Go is coming to one of my regular store, Auchan: Simple, Fast and No more waiting lines Nor Human interactions! My preferred system!

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