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I found a funnel with its fitted filter on Amazon and it makes the filtration of Kefir grains and its transfer into a new bottle of fresh milk so simple, I do not wait for the product, the fermented milk to become too creamy however I leave the fermentation process continue for another 24 hours […]

The trigger fingers get better as soon as I stopped biking and putting a constant daily pressure on them. I wanted to get rid of the inflammation but, at the same time, I wanted to keep my daily biking routine :(.

bAbY YodA!

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My dad gave the new dog a nickname “Baby Yoda” because it reminded him of Tom’s toy and I totally agreed with him since his eyes are enormous compared to the rest of his body. Little alien look alike dog!


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fLu sHoT!

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First flu shot!


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Better sleeping pattern means better mood!


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My Kefir grains have been multiplying nicely, I just let them ferment with milk at room temperature and added new milk to feed them after filtering the old fermented milk out. I have not tried to drink the fermented milk yet.

4g LtE!

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The speed I obtained from my Iphone 12 (4G LTE) was quite impressive! It was almost like being on optical fiber.


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Both of my ring fingers (left and right) are now trigger fingers. I need to treat the problem; it is a bit annoying when the reflex contraction followed by the trigger event happened in the morning because I forgot to stretch my hands.

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