lOst ArK!

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The new free-to-play trendy game. Tons of people in the queue yesterday!

We have one last scenario and the deadly campaign of Gloomhaven will end. Such a nice journey! We will start a new deadly campaign excluding some broken characters (meaning very powerful characters) this time. It was very nice!

I am recovering from 2-3 days of wine and beers fun! My heart rate is going back to normal.


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2 weeks ago, I bought and returned back the Amazon Fire 10 HD, its price was at 139 Euros. It went down to 109 Euros now. I bought it again to have fun with it, I might keep it this time.


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Two best times in a row! Looks like I am doing things the right way.


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Every now and then I need a good painful hangover to remind me to quit drinking. I was not well all day with a weird feeling in the stomach.


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Two out of seven chilie pepper trees made it through the winter and are healthy. One of them even produced one fruit. They had a sunbath today because the weather was sunny and warm. I will let them get used to the outdoor more and more and revert back to their natural growth state.


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It seems that the American freebies trend finally arrived in Europe. I was quick at jumping on the freebie train: Lydia: 5 Euros of Harley Davidson stock options Curve: 15 Euros just to agregate you bank card eToro: 10 Euros of Tesla stock options

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