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Taking my babies out for some sunshine!

bUn RiEu

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“Bun Rieu” is my favorite viet dish and I enjoy eating it several times:

Now that the temperature has gone up, the grass is growing fast!


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My little nursery for my new batch of the hottest chilie peppers in the world!


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I wanted to eat the famous “Banh Mi” and laquered duck and went to Chinatown to buy these goodiesand then I bought the ingredients for my favorite meal “Bun Rieu”.


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It is growing! Nice fine new green sprouts of grass!


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Easy and delicious!


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Our washing machine makes a lot of noises when it spins really fast and I had to contact Bosh customer care. Sadly they did not find the invoice from the online shop. It took me 4 days to figure out who to contact and how to recover the warranty. Luckily for me, I could do […]

Running bellow the 5 min/km mark has become regular. It was a record few weeks ago.

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