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My weight went up a little bit and derailed from the perfect number 55.5 Kg. I had to take some measures to correct it immediatly. However, it takes several weeks to get it back under control. I am weighing myself every single day just before the shower.


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The germinated grass seeds immediatly took root and grew as normal. Due to lack of light also in this part of the garden, the grass would take for ever to grow even in normal conditions. My speedy method to grow grass quickly in November is working perfectly as planned. I am glad I thought about […]


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Today was one of these days where everything had to go to the trash bins. I cleaned up everything and threw away tons of useless stuffs. I had my “Marie Kondo” moment. I am not a minimalist because I love buying things however I get my crisis every now and then like everyone.

I am trying to be lean and healthy with 2 hours training per day! It is a very hard habit to keep up with however I am feling very good mentally and physically. No back pain, no fat, no injuries!


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I dodged my first cough of the cold season. I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat and had a hard time repressing the cough. However, the cough seemed gone by this morning. I immediatly took some pills (Actifed and Neocodion) to stop it getting worse and protected my neck […]

It is time to experiment my idea of creating ultra fast grass growth by indoor germination and quick outdoor transplant. At least, all the grass seeds germinated and got a boost they would not have got with this autumn weather.

My first experimentation with grass transplantation seemed working fine. Let see if the transplanted grass will thrive and boost the growth outside on the ground.


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Excellent egg in gelatine and porc.


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