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Traditional vietnamese meals.


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I had to finish the 12 bottles of wine I bought and stopped the drinking trend! The stress level showed the perfect trend of 1 bottle and half of wine per day. It was not too bad for my stomach however great disturbances in the sleeping pattern and the mood swing.

130 eURoS!

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I returned my Xbox One S for 130 Euros cash back. I’ve barely used it myself. I will never be a console gamer but a PC gamer. Skadia seems to be a good idea, a controller and Chromecast.


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Tons of proteins in this islandic yogurt: 10 grams of proteins per 100 grams!


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Very useful tool to scracth the back or apply moisturizers wherever your hands cannot reach!


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I knew I did my squads incorrectly since the beginning because the keywords were : “AS LOW AS YOU CAN”. Since the corrections, my butts were sore. They are indeed one of the hardest routines in a workout.


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The stiff lower back is gone! I immediatly found the right solutions on Youtube: stretching exercises and warm patches were indeed the most efficient solutions and the quickest. Now I need to keep up the healthy habits, which would be the hardest part.

8 different fruits per day to stay healthy: 1 khaki, 1 kiwi, 1 banana, 1 peach, 1 apple, a few grappes , 1 avocado, 2 mandarins.

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