At the moment, seven chillie trees have undergone the process of “overwintering”. We shall see if any will survive the process. It was too much to make a small bonchie for each of them so it will be a “mass bonchie” process.

FooT CoRn!

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I’ve got to treat my foot callus that could become a corn if I wait longer. It is just thick skins building up over a small part of the foot that is under more pressure than the rest of the foot. It is due to my foot shape and the exercises I am practicing every […]


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I am trying to prepare my chilie trees for the coming winter, and hopefully, I could save a few of them for next year and have a quicker start than starting them from seeds or buying them from the store. So I am trimming them down and harvest all the chilies even the green ones.

As soon as I am a little too low (55.1 kgs), I immediatly eat a bit more cheese 🙂 and my weight bounces back immediatly, 56 kgs.

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