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I am using a freezing solution to kill the wart I have on my right foot. I am not 100% sure it is wart however it is getting painful and thick. I rather treat it quickly than let it develop further, whatever it might be. Cold was the only thing in the past that worked […]


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The run took its toll and my body is sore the last 2 days. It is a good thing to keep up with running time to time but no need to do it at this intensity. All I got out of intensive running is pain and injuries without not much improvements. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) […]


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The fruits are getting red and are ripe for harvest. So many chilies! It is probably one of the most successful harvest of chilies. Indeed, I had to tell my mother to stop touching my trees and I had to protect them from direct sunlight.


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Not my best time but not too bad and without even forcing!

I was kinda of sad that my first campaign of Gloomhaven ended because 2 players dropped out. With 3 more experienced players I have decided to restart a new campaign. We shall finish this long yet fascinating game.

My weight is fluctuating between 55-56 kgs and I am aiming at keeping it at its optimal: 55.5 kgs. I do not want to be skinny, I am lucky because it is very easy to gain weight.

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