Nowadays, I rarely train specifically for running, I just go for a run every month or so, and yet, I was never as fast as a runner. The key to proper training is really to train the entire body with a variety of exercises that take it out of its comfort zone. Doing many different […]


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I have read this Isaac Asimov’s serie countless times, let’s see if the Apple TV show will match the books.

12 pOinTS!

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After many years, I finally recovered my 12 points in total for my driving licence. I kept on getting 1 speeding ticket every now and then however I am using my dad as an excuse for these unlucky events. He is more careful and recovered them every 6 months.

dRY SkIn!

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I had to put on a lot of moisturizers last week, it is that time of the month where my dry skin irritates me until the point where I can no longer ignore it and I have to undergo 2-4 days of full body care.

Who would have guessed that today was my best run ever! I could have kept the fastest speed for the entire run. My heart was beating fast and strong and I always had enough oxygen. It felt great and I hope I will not be too sore the next few days.


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Intermittent fasting is very effective at loosing weight, especially at maintaining the weight at the desired level. It has demonstrated its effectiveness over the last few months:55.5 kgs is my optimal weight. I’ve got 94 as a body score, I really do not know how scientific that number really is however I have no fat […]

Every now and then I use these exfoliating socks to remove dead skin from my feet. It is a bit annoying because the chemical solution is a bit sticky and I need to wear them for a whole hour. However the result is really awesome, smooth and soft feet after looking like a serpent for […]

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