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The fat was very subtle, it went unoticed for many years until it was either irrevesible or you realized the dramatic trend and accepted the fact that you were fat. The very thin limit of perfection between being “normal” and being “underweight” is 55.5 kgs for me, that was why I chose that number for […]

fLU shOT!

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I’ve got my first flu shot 2021/2022. I will buy another flu vaccine from a different company in 2 weeks. As usual, I am among the firsts to get vaccinated and I enjoy shooting myself with the vaccine.


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Free Guy was entertaining to watch and Foundation was so so, too much liberty with regards to the original story.

tHe PrIcE!

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A whiplash (torticolis), diarrhea, constipation, lost of apetite, a permanent headache for 24 hours and, worse of all, I have lost all memory of what I did the night before. That hangover was really painful. Luckily, it is almost over now and I am eating well.


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I should not drink sweet alcoholic drinks like if they were coca-cola. Indeed 18% of alcohol is a lot for 2 bottles even though they taste great. I got one of the worse hang-over and felt shitty all day long. At least, the pain will prevent a new attempt soon.


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The goal for next year is to have more varieties of chilies.


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I was biking around the lakes and, of course, it is the favourite place for newlywed couples to take pictures on their bid day. All I could think of after seeing a perfect couple posing for their pictures yesterday was: “how much it would cost to have 1 photographer and 2 technicians and …with a […]

Last year, I hurt my ankle and my right arm badly and even though they both healed, I can still feel something nowdays, a little reminder of the injuries. However, I changed my eating habit for the best and for the rest of my life: one single meal per day. I have never been healthier, […]

Time to time, I enjoyed a delicious and simple meal: Korean Ramen.


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I was deceived by the remake of Dune, too many short and impressive images instead of a story. Like the remake of Blade runner by the same director: Denis Villeneuve.

keep looking »