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For unknown reasons, I thought we were August 28 instead of August 30. 2 days have gone without me noticing ;). I was lost in time! It was one of the nicest summer. Calm, quiet and not expensive and few gaming sessions!


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6 Leffe beers gave me a moderate hang-over and a headache for 2 days. That will be a lesson to remember, my body can no longer hold that much alcohol… well … until next month I guess.


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These meals might not look pretty but they are very tasty!

I went to the nursery looking at the chilie trees. The ones I bought before the summer were about the same size. Compared to my current chilie trees, they are tiny, mines are probably 5 times bigger and have three times more fruits:


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Cold thai salad which is delicious:


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From time to time I fancy drinking beers, like once per month. I usually tend to drink too much as if I could still drink 6 beers. Since my body is no longer used to alcohol, I get the worse hang-over the next day. The good thing about it is that it immediately took away […]

A steam bowl of frozen veggies for only 1 Euros and 5 minutes in a microwave is the perfect healthy meal I needed: quick, healthy meal and extremely convenient to prepare.


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In my quest for diversity for my single meal per day, I enjoy these pre-made meals. They are quite expensive unless you select the ones that are about to expire. I tried tons of them and found a few ones that I enjoyed a lot.


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My weight is getting a bit too low now, I need to eat more and I am very happy that I can do that.

keep looking »