Amazon has listed the Yunmai Balance at 9.99 Euros, after rebate. I immediately bought it and it was indeed an error because Yunmai sent out an email asking people who made the purchase to either cancel or send back the package. I just kept it because it costs 69 Euros now :).


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Finally, everyone in the house received their 2 doses of the Covid vaccine, my parents and brother had Pzifer and I received Moderna. At least, it is one thing not to bother about anymore, especially, with all people rushing to get vaccinated due to the new restrictions to access public places starting July 21st.


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I now have tons of fruits (chilie pepper) and mushrooms to harvest.


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Lots of rain the last few days, I had to do indoor sports instead of going to the swimming pool or biking. I put up one kg back due to beers consumption. I had to finish the 6 packs of 40 beers I bought a while ago or they would just take up space.


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I am buying more of the yellow Oyster grains to grow them myself. They were delicious to eat and I am happy when I harvest my own crop.


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Just from my window


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I am getting tons of fibers from summer fruits!


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I am of obsessed with fungi and the way they grow. It is unreal how big they get in just a few days. It is so beautiful how a tiny pin became a huge mushroom.

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