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Diversity is key to a healthy microbiome, I made sure that my microbiotes stayed happy because they fixed all my weird body/mental issues: dry skin, allergies, sleeping disorders, bloating guts, heavy stomach and my health has never been better. I have never been more shredded and fat free in my entire life.


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New batch and I am having more sprouts of mushroom nowadays.

Resting Heart Rate is a very good health indicator: the lower the better and mine is 49 bpm (beat per minute)


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There is nowadays tons of fresh fruits in my little fridge ready to be eaten. I can eat them anytime after 16:30. I have a 5-hour windows to fill up my stomach with healthy fibers.


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My sleeping disorder has been solved once my microbiotes has been fixed. I am having normal sleeping patterns and the sleep duration is around 8 hours. I can sleep less however I do not even think about it or being tired. It is as if the body just sleep as much as it needs without […]


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My microbiotes love these “boulgour” meals. The sauce they added in there is really a nice twist to my mouth.


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I really enjoy having a very low Resting Heart Beat and a nice weight every morning.

I’ve been trying for years to have fruits from the 2013 hottest pepper chilie tree: the famous Carolina Reaper. I am hoping that I will succeed finally this year. It is still too early to tell from the shape of the young fruits if these are THE ONES! It is supposed to look like a […]

fAt kIdS!

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I went to the swimming pool almost everyday this week. It was pure pleasure with the Covid pass because less people were there! Tons of fat kids were there though, it is weird now to see fat kids with boobs. So strange! I guess it is very hard for people to stop eating, food is […]

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