mY HeRbs!

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Lovely Viet aromatic herbs!


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The garden is almost perfect now and my own chilie trees, grown during winter inside under a UV lamp, have become nice little trees. I am hoping these are from the Carolina Reaper seeds, one of the hottest chilie peppers in the world.

No wonder why I had a feeling of euphoria when my gut is well fed:


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I found out that the supermarkets are selling one of these drinks at the bio section: Kombucha (Auchan). It is a bit pricey but very easy to make from tea and sugar. It is a super drink for the intestinal flora.

I am feeding my microbiome with excellent food:

From now on, I will eat more green bananas and cold and cooked potatoes. I really did not know they could be beneficial to my gut.


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I’ve got a nice feeling of euphoria and relaxation in the morning. The healthy diet and the absence of beers are doing wonders to my mood. I am adding more fermented food and drinks to maintain a diverse and healthy microbiome (intestinal flora). My resting heart rate has been stable and nicely low. My stress […]

How does my weight affect the quality of my everyday life when it went down from 65 to 55 kg? Every thing is simply much better and healthier, just to mention a few advantages: no ugly belly, more muscles, no back pain, no double chin, better sleep, no snoring, no bloating (gas), no diarrhea, better […]

54.8 kg!

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Maybe it is going down too much now :). I may need to eat a bit more.

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