tHe GuT!

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I am feeling more relaxed and less stressed if I feed my microbiote correctly with fibers and healthy foods. I am also trying to make my own Kombucha Scoby from the Kombucha I bought at the store. It is a bit costly for just fermented Tea/Sugar solutions.


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fAt gOne!

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What do you see when all your body fat is gone? A lot of veins and a shit load of muscles! The funny thing with the body is that the last layer of fat is very well hidden everywhere in the body, the body will naturally resist to keep the last bit of fat. I […]

It has been a long wait however the final result is glorius. All these trees gave fruits that can be harvested many times now.


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Finally my own batch of mushrooms started to sprout! I finally succeeded after several failures.

GoOd fooD!

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Nice sunset view from my window!


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Perfect weight and perfect diet!

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