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My microbiotes were well fed with all the fibers I ate for my only meal. I do admit that I no longer have any discomfort I experienced before with my stomach. I was raised believing that I had a weak stomach. In fact, I had an inappropriate diet. My stomach is just normal.

Excellent Resting Heart Rate, perfect weight, stress level at all time low, guts are feeling fine. Why have I not realized all these benefits before? I guess people need some kind of life changing desire in order to make things happen otherwise it is business as usual.

It was raining all day long and I decided to clean my room up, meaning that I threw away tons of things I have not used the last few months: 4-5 trash bags full of useless stuffs went to the garbage.

let see if it will grow into nice mushrooms. It smells delicious, just like mushrooms. The texture is perfectly white and smooshy :).


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I voted left as usual. I was tempted by the green party however they do not seem to be very important in France. Also I enjoyed what the left party has done around my area, lots of trees and flowers.


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I was tired so I rested Saturday to recover; It was a nice and relaxing Saturday with a lot of gardening.

Tons of fibers and excellent summer fruits to eat! I asked my mother to cut every fruits I bought so that I can taste them right away and see if I should buy them again. They were all on sale so why not try them all even if I have to throw them away if […]


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I could not resist but buy these red roses. They were so cheap and yet so beautiful:


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My weight went down a bit too much (53.65 kg) however since gaining weight is easier than loosing it I do not worry much :).

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