I reached my goal, I shall stop the diet however I shall keep a healthy eating habit to maintain my weight:55.2 kg. An BMI (Body Mass Index) of 21 is perfect. I also snored less when I stopped the beers two weeks ago.

Since the weather is getting much better, I trimmed my chilie trees so that they can have new sprouts quickly. It is recommended to do that on many Youtube videos.

My parents mowed the lawn and added for the 4th time some seeds. It is getting nearer to perfection.


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My dinner, my only meal per day, has to be balanced, meaning all the requirements and a lot of fibers.


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My gut loves the puree of veggies and I am really feeling better and more relaxed when I eat them. They are so easy to prepare, 5 minutes in a microwave and they are perfect. My mood is getting much better also with normal sleep and no alcohol. It will probably take a week to […]


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My quest for a very low body-fat percentage should be completed soon: 55.5 kg.


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The weather is going to be much better from now on. A lot of sunshine in the weather forecast. It will give a boost to all the plants in the garden.


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The blood results came back normal, my glycemia was 0.97 g/L (normal level: 0.7 – 1.1 g/L). “No more beers and a lot more fibers” did great to my liver. Everything else was also normal. The more I took care of my guts the better I was feeling. I took some drastic measures to be […]


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My weight went up a little bit (1.4 kg) the last few weeks until I fixed it. A small amount of fat needs to go and I should be happy.


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I got another chance to get vaccinated again today. Funny how lucky I was since I tried to do the same for my brother and, of course, he has not received any email yet. I was very tempted to get vaccinated again but it would be very selfish. I will wait until there are tons […]

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