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The cold almost killed my new plants, luckily, I brought them back in just on time to recover. Some of these plants, grew indoor, are really weak, my own home grown ones seem stronger. The mushrooms are doing great and I bought 4 more kits with new varieties to grow my own from their grain […]

There is one way to be healthy and look younger! It is cheap it is easy. Nothing is required except the will to practice sport on a regular basis for 1-2 hours every day!


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I really enjoyed this Suhsi salmon dish. very healthy and very tasty! I can prepare it in less than 3 minutes.

Thanks to Tabletop Simulator (again) I played Arkham Horror 3rd edition. I had a lot of fun because I was lucky. It is really fun to be able to play in front of a screen a board game with someone somewhere in the world. In my case, the other player lives in Russia.

my mInD!

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There was often a miscommunication between me and the rest of society. As a loner, I am very selfish meaning that: 1. I will always do whatever I want and the only threshold is obviously my bank account. 2. I am very cautious while interacting with other people because I know that they want to […]


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I brought all my plants back indoor due to freezing temperature the next few days. I do not want to waste all the time and effort to grow these.

iT gRoWs!

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Once the mushrooms start, its growth is impressive!


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My weight went up due to the excess of food however I managed to keep it down with 2 hours of cycling every day.

Here are my new little babies! All grown up and ready to fruit:

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