fUn TtS!

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4 players and 2-3 hours of Eldritch Horror. As usual, I was the organizer and I explained the basics. I still need a game master to make the game smoother. I am not good enough yet. More and More people are joining.


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This year, I purchased immediatly older plants (2-3 years) with flowers: Citrus, Calamansi and Mandarin trees. I was tired of waiting for younger ones to reach maturity. My “home grown” chilie trees are also ready to have flowers. The ones I bought have tons of fruits.

In just three days, the new grass seeds sprouted! These are like super seeds! I mixed them up first with compost as usual before I gave them to my mother so that she could spread them and flattened them down with a wooden board. I saw the tiny sprouts with my own eyes. They cost […]

Just outside my window, a super sunset view!


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My parents mowed the lawn for the first time today and they added more grass seeds wherever it did not grow.


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They are doing good!


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It is too cold outside to go for a run or cycling. It is very uncomfortable to be hot and sweaty inside and cold outside. I immediately switched to indoor activities. I never knew that people would specifically do butt workout! My butt did hurt after the session though. My abs immediately got more tonic.

Eldritch Horror was a good board game and it is a different version of Arkham Horror. I decided to expand my online board gamer geeks and I invited more people to join in. It was a good move because the first guy who joined was a master of Eldritch on TTS and we had an […]


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It’s been raining all day long. Nothing to do except indoor exercises and shopping. Lots of good rain for the trees.

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