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Looks like I am getting regular players for Eldritch Horror. Yesterday’s sessions were fun and I could play 2 sessions with 4 players each. The drama with online board games is very much like anything in life that requires people: finding time to play the game with people who enjoy the same type of game.


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Simple and tasty dishes: Viet fish soup (sweet and sour) and a chicken soup.

fEEl GoOD!

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If I can achieve my daily routine, it is always a feeling-good day. It is however very hard mentally to do the exercises. These exercises keep the body toned and they warmed up every muscles: 1. 52 minutes of exercises: the 2 videos on Youtube 2. 1 hour and 30 minutes of cycling 3. Quickly […]


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A Bonchi might be a solution for me to enjoy my hobby for chilie trees during the winter. Chilie tree reduced to a bonzai state:

I forced myself to have a fiber boost 1 day per week at least since I do not want to miss anything due to my 1 meal diet.

Citrus and strawberry trees, they are all big and they already have fruits!

My parents got vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccin yesterday. My dad could have gotten the Astrazena vaccin last week but he declined. I guess if my parents are that choosy it means that most French people will also refuse the Astrazena vaccin. I do not mind getting vaccinated with all vaccins however I like to […]

eAr bUds!

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I bought my 4th ear buds: the Galaxy Buds Live. I love them: perfect fit, perfect sound. What I enjoy most is that my ears do not get hurt when I lie on my side in bed listening to music with these ear buds.


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I was letting things go a bit with my weight and it went up a little bit but as soon as I got back to the strict rules it came back to its perfect level today:


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The empty spots are getting greener, let see how long until every surface is perfectly covered with the new grass.

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