Just a nice day. I also ate my mushrooms, it was very tasty. I hope I can cultivate them myself.


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Eldritch Horror is unpredictable both ways. This game does not favor side. I never thought we would win this game in only 2 hours however we did and the four players were surprised by the final win. In fact, if I can have the best players doing their homework meaning: closing gates, killing monsters and […]

624.9 km!

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For the single month of April alone, I have recorded 624.9 km of cycling and running. It is like cycling 20 km everyday (1 hour and 20 min of sport per day). These 624.9 km of cycling/running did not make me loose 1 single kilogram. The only way to decrease weight is to stop eating. […]


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They grew and they grew!

Looks like I am running faster if I run less and train my entire body using every muscles of my body instead of training just my legs. A speed record yesterday: 5.05 min per km. I had a nice Viet dish yesterday: Stir-fried Water Spinach (liseron)


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Someone scratched my Yaris and it cost 870 Euros to repaint entirely some parts of the car. My Yaris will have to stay at the garage for more than a week. Life is funny because the front tire of my bike went flat during my cycling session yesterday also and I had to run back […]

A nice introduction with a lovely story. The gameplay hides a lot of strategy and usually it is very hard to win.


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I usually go to bed with a documentary from Attenborough. There is a new one that sounds promising!


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I am happy to have already started harvesting some chilies. They will have a full summer (+spring) season to produce several round of fruits. My mushrooms gave fruits also. It is a nice hobby. My other chilie trees have started to blossom also. I avoided the mistake my mother kept on repeating, I protected my […]

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