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It’s getting denser and greener even though the weather remains cold and rainy:


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The book came to my knowledge from Netflix’s ads and I cannot stop reading it now.

I am eating regularly bone marrow and the tendons around the bone. I am hoping it will speed up the ankle sprain recovery. For unknown reasons, I enjoyed them a lot and I was craving for them the last 2 weeks. I have like 3-4 female shrimps full of eggs, the one I got for […]


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I enjoyed my new ectomorph body type: shredded and muscular! I ain’t moving anywhere from the 56 kgs, I cannot really stop the one-meal per day diet, my body would get back to being fat very quickly.

I am playing my favorite game on Shadow PC since my own gamer PC is getting outdated: Path of Exile.

Unexpectedly, I got 680 Euros extra. Good!


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I replaced My Toyota Yaris’ battery. It died one month after the expiration of the 3 year warranty. I am glad that it was only that and nothing else more serious.


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I will not move a bit from this magical number for my weight:

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