It seems that I never had enough of these chilie trees. I must have a fetish for them.


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This is more like my real weight: 56.45 kgs! I ate one small portion of salmon, bone marrow and pollen per day to help with the healing of my ankle sprain. It kind of tingled a bit nowadays. It does not hurt like before anymore but I always felt something when I stretched to the […]

My weight had a deep dive today. It was unexpectedly lower than I have predicted. I guess as long as I keep my diet, my weight will decrease no matter how much I eat in a single hour of the day. I eat very healthy food: lots of salmon (smoked, raw, cooked).


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It’s healthy day today: Raw salmon Suhsi style menu, Carpaccio of beef, Mixed Salad. Lots of cycling since it’s shiny outside and and NO BEER DAY! I’ve had a deal with myself, I can eat anything I want between 16:30 – 17:30 and after that I can only eat fruits if I am still hungry. […]


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I am diversifying my food to be healthier, lots of salad mix of all kind from different brands. The air fryer made it very easy to grill quickly a piece of meat of salmon just for me.


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Greener however more sunlight is needed!


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I bought a mushroom starter kit and see if it works. If it grows I will re-use the grains already inside and expand it instead of growing from the start. It seems easier and safer to get results this way.

I tried this expensive royal jelly, the nectar from bees that fed the larvea! It was simply not good! Bitter and not tasty! It cost like 350 Euros/kg!


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Another running record, my best time of the year combined to a perfect weight. It seemed that I did it all wrong before. I ran much more regularly and I barely improved. All it took was, drop 10 kgs, take a huge break due to the ankle sprain, train every other parts of the body […]

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