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FINAL GOAL: 56.40 kgs! I shall stop my diet here since I am way below my initial goal:58.1 kgs. My body looked so much better that I did not want to stop, however if I shall continue, I will use my muscles since there is not much fat left.

Tons of shrimps:


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This is my fastest time this year :)! It was only my second run after my injury. Maybe I should take long breaks time to time.


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After 2 months and 14 days off because of the ankle sprain, I finally resumed my running. Not bad time even though I suffered a bit with breathing. It is time to get back to a normal routine!


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56.6 Kgs! Yea yea Yea! The graph showed the exact moment I started the one meal per day diet and the impact on the daily calories decrease. It is indeed mathematical: less food, less fat!


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I am preparing the next batch of chilies pepper trees and Vietnamese herbs for Spring. As soon as the temperature drops, these babies are going to be transferred to a bigger pot.

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