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Cheap, easy and quick to prepare and delicious!

Keeping the perfect weight under control, not loosing nor gaining more:

I’d like to try this as soon as I can:

I had a beef carpaccio yesterday and it was scrumptious!

It seems that the ankle sprain is still healing however it does not prevent me from running very fast! My new best time this year…. again!


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My little chillie trees are now transferred to bigger garden pots. I protected them from direct sunlight, last year, it was really hurting my trees. They need time to sprouts new roots and to get used to sunlight. Chillie trees do not like direct exposure to sunlight anyways. I added a large view of the […]


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Finally, my Iphone 12 is on 5G from now on! Yea! Speeeeeeeeeeeeeed! It went effortlessly up to 233 Mbps in two ticks.


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So there was a huge problem with the food I was eating, it had lost a huge part of its taste: no salt, no spice no sugar and no fat. The original flagrance, taste and smell had gone away. The one meal diet had increased my sensitivity to food like a 1000 times. I was […]

I am checking regularly my level of ASAT and ALAT since I have hepatitis B and I am a heavy beer drinker to see if there was any impact on my liver. My latest blood analysis came back near perfection due to the weight loss. It seemed that everything would/could be fixed as long as […]


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After three days of strange work, mostly useless from my point of view, my parents finished the garden. It consisted of adding soil and grass seeds however my weird mother had to be stranger than usual and she manually unrooted tons of viable grass. Instead of a regular compressor for grass, they spent a whole […]

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