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I went to check with a physiotherapist for my ankle sprain problem: less than 5 minutes of massage and useless exercises for 93 Euros. The physiotherapist was about to schedule me for more sessions when I stopped him and I asked in a very simple and glacial manner: “That was IT?” He started to enumerate […]

205 eUroS!

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I’ve sold many old stuffs for 205 Euros on “leboncoin”. I would never ever use them again and they were taking too much place in my closet.

More baby shrimps!

My new batch of chillie peppers for next year!


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The MRI revealed that I had a rupture of my ligament. I spent the whole week chasing after doctors and doing more imaging analysis to confirm whether I needed a surgery in order to be able to run again. Luckily, the surgeon doctor confirmed the rupture of the ligament however, even though it was severe, […]


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There there there! 58.1 kgs the golden number! 5 months and 10 kgs gone!


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I could feel my bones for a while now. Everything was perfectly in place and my body was getting rid of the last bit of fat! 400 grams to the perfect weight: 58.1 kgs. Since I was fasting all day, as soon as I started my exercises, I tapped directly into the fat reserve, no […]


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Since I am fasting because I only ate one meal per day, my body underwent through 2 very important processes that allowed me to get rid of my fatty acids: Ketogenesis and Autophagy. These processes were excellent for my health benefit and my speedy diet!


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As I got older, I started to understand the life of a monk. I meant I had no family and, even though I owned my apartment, I rented it out to earn more money. All I really had in life was my “digital life”. I had nothing to show or to share with others and […]

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