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Quietly, I upgraded all our connections to 1 Gbps! We now have the best speed for every single connection to the main network: Da B-E-S-T!


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This is my new batch of little chillie plants and aromatic Viet herbs:

It looked like that our internet provider was finally up to speed: 1000 Mbps!

I found that heat patches were great for all my muscles pain including the ankle sprain. They were quite expensive so I found the perfect patch that was re-usable and it could be heated using the microwave (50 sec) for 10 minutes of pure relaxation.


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I broke the one meal per day diet yesterday and I ate a Viet sandwich for lunch. I missed it the last 5 months and it was delicious.


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It’s the perfect weather for staying home and enjoying a warm indoor activities day. I made the mistake to go out and I had to endure several annoying events: bike that did not work, busses that did not arrive and I hurt my sprain ankle again. Hopefully, it was nothing serious.


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My blood results came back and they were perfect. All the vitamins and other physiological data were right on the spot meaning within normal range. The intermittent fasting diet was working like a charm and I probably should stop. However, I liked the slim and toned shape of my body so I might keep doing […]


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On Earth, we’re briefly gorgeous: The first part of this book was so raw and so true about Vietnamese immigrants of the first generation. Like an echo, it resonated  in my mind and reflected my own experience: the violence, the poverty, the shame about little stupid things. The author was a Vietnamese-American poet and the […]


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I finally found the perfect physiotherapist for my ankle sprain. I negotiated upfront the massage sessions: 18. I told him I did not care about the exercises. I could do them at home by myself. The rate was perfect and I offered to pay more since my private insurance covered for them. I was also […]

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