One of my favorite meal.

dNa tEst!

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I always wanted to do this: a DNA test to see my heritage and I finally ordered a kit to do so after reading a very touching article: LEMONDE. We were told that my grand-father was not really Vietnamese. Maybe, I will be able to see that through the 68 Euros DNA test: MYHERITAGE.

I wanted to try new things besides Viet dishes: Chicken Masala

The consequences of being in good shape were directly observable: no more bloating, no diarrhea, no farting, no bad mouth smell. Most importantly, I was hungry when dinner came. I always finished all my meals consequently no leftovers. I even enjoyed more my meals. I wore all my clothes comfortably and no heavy feelings.


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Here is my little snack before dinner:


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Tons of veggies to prevent any deficiency of vitamins or nutriments and I can now control exactly how much I will loose as weight every day: 0.20 kgs

One of these perfect days, lots of sleep and rest and stress level as low as possible, heart rate near perfection also! I knew exactly if I would be in a bad mood simply by looking at the physiological data given by my smartwatch:


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I added more diversity to the meals my mother prepared.

Looks like a new batch of baby shrimps has spawned! Yea! My water is perfect then.


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The one meal per day worked great and I had to come to the conclusion that I only needed 1 single meal per day to stay healthy. As soon as I broke with the diet, my stomach would not stop asking for food and I could easily hold off as long as I did not […]

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