If you only ate 1 meal per day and you stayed reasonable, like not eating tons of food as soon as you can. The stomach will shrink and there will not be any craving. The mathematical result was simple, less food, less calories intake therefore weight loss was inevitable and irreversible. My body was lean, […]

59,80 kGS!

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Almost there! the target is 58.1 kgs.


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Excellent idea and a cheap one also! It always annoyed me to have to use a plastic cup to start my seeds. Everything in one single chip and all I needed was to add water, let it soak and fill it up with seeds. AMAZON LINK

In order to boost my next batch of pepper trees and avocado I started the germination indoor and maintained a blue light above them. Hopefully, it shall grow big enough to have a head start in Spring.


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I managed to set all the devices at our place under the same network (192.168.1.xx). It is always a bit tricky when you have 2 routers (the internet provider router and your own private router). The private router needs to be set on “access point mode” in order to avoid the creation of a subnet […]


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Starting the funny avocado seeds and see how it grows:


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My fastest time in a year! It was not the best compared to when I was training with the Australians but it was OK. It is very hard to gain every second from now on.

I am reaching my lowest weight (59,8 kgs) since August (66,2 kgs) and I am running at my fastest speed. It only seems logical that, when I was fat, I had lower performances.

Intermittent fasting worked fine for me. 2-3 days of adaptation and with some determination, it became a healthy habit. I added intense workout sessions to it so that I could accelerate the weight loosing process. Besides loosing the belly, all the fat everywhere disappeared and it was funny to appreciate how hard the butt could […]

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