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My well being was directly linked to my heartrate. It has been excellent for a full week. Slept well, ate well and excellent mood!


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I have paired my speakers (for PC) with a Bluetooth emitter so that I can use them with all of my fancy gadgets.

The sprain ankle was healing very fast thanks to the cold bandages that were applied quickly in the next hour after the injury and I could almost walk normally this morning. There were bruises around the ankle instead of a huge edema. The longer deep sleep phase induced a funny result, I was having dreams […]


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While waiting for the roots to sprout, I purchased an hydroponic fertilizer. Indeed, I intended to keep these plants out of the soil.

Perfect sleep (1:51 hours of deep sleep) generating a perfect resting heart beat rate: 50 bpm. the cooling patches prevented the formation of a big edema due to the ankle sprain, it was just painful nevertheless bearable. Hopefully, short recovery time! I was able to walk even though I tip-toed a bit because I was […]


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I felt at the beginning of my run when I ran down the stairs. It was fucking painful to have an ankle sprain and I think it was probably the first time in my life that it got so bad. I was able to walk back to my car so it was not dramatic. I […]


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The headphone I used for swimming was perfect also for running :). Very elegant also!

A simple sleep mask improved greatly the quality of my sleeping pattern, especially the deep sleep phase. It used to last around 35-50 min and it has improved to 1 hour and 25 min or more for the last few days, which was very good. I was feeling much more relaxed and my heart rate […]

I have lost the equivalent of 8 kgs as shown in the picture below since August 2020. I really wondered where all that fat was hiding in my body besides my belly.

Growing more stuffs and running faster, a good relaxing song and more shrimp eggs:

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