The regular back stretching immediatly fixed my back pains.5 minutes everyday seem to do the trick and no more backpain.

I am thinking about getting Ouclus gears for VR gaming.


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I thought I saw 2 tiny shrimps when I woke up at 3:30 am. I have not seen any of them anymore. Must be a dream or they have been eaten by the 2 tiny killifish.


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I am so busy at work that time flew by so quickly this week. I hardly had time to fill up the expenses report from my last trip. I am glad that the week-end is here and I will spend a great amount of time in Chinatown for the Chinese New Year.

I went back to the store to find out the name of the tiny fish and ended buying the last one. I think I have 2 females therefore I will look for a male in another fish shop.


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I bought a small cherry shrimp and a tiny fish, also called Clown Killifish or in latin Epiplatys Annulatus, came along as a surprise in my bag for free. I order a simple meal without fries and had both for the price of the meal only. Lucky day!


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A month ago, I could not stop my car at a red light and my car went all the way over the yellow light before it turned red. Then, I stopped and I did not know what to do and decided to continue straight ahead after like 5-10 secondes. I was not sure of I […]

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