I might have gained 2 kgs during the confinement:

My cousins also have yummie meals:


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I am improving and diversifying my parents’ cuisine


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I spent a lot of my time in front of my screen with a board game 🙂


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We share our activites during confinement and a lot of my activities are related to food, my favorite subject.

I have quite a few babie grimps that grew bigger over past weeks:


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I am taking great care of my little plants of chillie peppers, I took them inside to protect them from cold nights, it is indeed not the summer yet and the temprarures can drop and kill my plants.

6-7 hOuRS!

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I have been playing long session hours of Twilight Imperium IV since I discovered the game. Very adictive!


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Twilight Imperium 4 is da addiction! Whatever these geeks do live, we do it it online and it is as if it was real!

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