My blood test results came back and everything is normal. 3 little bold stuffs that were off only by the third digit. It seems that I am in good health conditions. I ran 6 kms and swam for 2 hours therefore I doubt that my conditions could be really bad to be honest.


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I found my favorite bag with a new color in a store. I had to replace my old bag which was torn apart. I was very happy because it had the same number of pockets! Also, I found the exact same leather jacket I had few years back on Amazon and I bought it again. […]


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I managed to finish all my doctors appointments: ophtamologist, dentist, general doctor. I was lucky I could change my glasses for new ones also. Now I have a blood analysis and an echography and it is done! I had a nice lunch with my sister, Lyn and Tom in Chinatown also.


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In Paris, I have to pay 5 Euros for a pass to the swimming pool. It is crowded. In my city, I have a yearly pass of 120 Euros only, meaning that if I go every day to the pool, it only costs 0.33 cents. The swimming pool in my city is newer and it […]

nO bEeR!

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NO BEER YESTERDAY. The little beer belly needs to go and I am felling really good. The intense running and swimming sessions are shaping nicely my body.


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6 kms of running + 2 hours of swimming! I should be in perfect shape in no time with this straining. I had an excellent dinner and I skipped lunch but had my orange juice as usual. I bought 92 Euros of Denim underwear again . It is free so why not go for it? […]

Swimming in the morning, running 6 kms in the afternoon, I felt so good at the end of the day. I slept for 9:20 hours. I also received my Shadow PC access after 4 months of waiting in the queue and it is so smooth on my Surface Go hybrid laptop. I can do everything […]

I bought underwater headphones to listen to music while swimming. I always enjoyed doing nerdy stuffs even under water. The sound should travel through the bones of my skull.


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Luckily, I was not too sore after the week-end heavy work and I went to the swimming pool to relax. It was very nice to recover some of the techniques and I am getting better after 5 sessions. I also bought the flu vaccine and shot myself with it. It was a perfect shot, not […]


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Since it was raining we switched to the cave and added tiles to the floor. It was very nice to see how it changed its look.

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