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Good food for Xmas, a little mix of Asian and French best appetizers! The little box of caviar was pricey!


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I tested again for Covid 19 and I was all clear: negative! It was free so why not do it? It felt weird having the long swab introduced into my nose that deeply. It did not hurt at all however it tingled a bit.

I watched this show for 10 min and I enjoyed it however the characters looked weird and I switched to the book. The actors were too much older than their fictional characters in the story and it did not feel right. They were supposed to be undergrads then graduates: 18-22. The lead actors looked like […]


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As my ankle sprain was healing, it was itching and made me giggle when I stretched it a bit too much sideways. It took a damn long time to heal this ankle sprain that started on November the 30th 2020: 23 days and still hurt!

I thought I found a golden rule to be relaxed: not to be bothered by anyone’s problem! I just checked my bank account and I did whatever I felt like as long as there was money :). It was as simply as that. Stay away from people was a good start! The reality was also […]

goOd fOod!

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I was trying to reach the golden number: 58.1 kgs, indeed, it would be my perfect weight. It was hard to get lower than 59 kgs for almost a month now, it kinda of ping-ponged back and forth. The body in its natural state was naturally beautiful. No need to do extra things once everything […]


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A movie where noone really got what they desired however it achieved its perfect goal: give the viewers a feeling of hope and joy and, of course, a lot of interpretations for the future. One-way love stories sometimes did not end badly.

It will be relaxing and quiet! And … and .. not costly at all!

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