Quiet and lovely, very relaxing indeed!

So the new toilet cleaning system was installed. It took a bit of time to find the right screws (the same ones but longer). I also had to understand how the old toilet seat was mounted since my dad forgot how he did it after 5 years. Everything is working fine now!

58.60 kGs!

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Almost… almost 58.10 kgs! Only 500 Grams and I am there. It was strange but eating one meal per day was just fine and I have been doing it consistently the last 2 months.


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I sold few old stuffs I never used again on the French site: leboncoin. It has become very easy since they’ve integrated the delivery option because all I had to do was to print the sticker with the postal information and drop it at a nearby location. 120 Euros of old stuffs sold including my […]


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Tons of shrimps and there was one super shrimp that kept on making babies every 3 weeks:


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It was a perfect level of stress for a day, very low heart beat and no peeks of stress all day long, everything was in the blue zone! Good food also!


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go gO gO!

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Damn hard to reach my goal, but I shall get there! 650 Grams to loose: 58.1 kgs is the perfect number!


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All I could say was that it was relaxing and no stress. Just an ordinary day with good food. Nothing special but nothing to create the fuzz! Kinda of my style to be honest.


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My brother bought a fancy toilet seat: Japanese/Korean style with water spray: AMAZON LINK

keep looking »