We went to my sister’s and helped with her garden stuffs. We started Saturday and finished around 1 pm on Sunday. We should have moved around 1.5 tons of cement/sand/coarse stones.

I bought tons of stuffs the last few days! I was in a good mood and most of the stuffs I bought were either on sale or rare!


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6 kms of running and 2 hours of swimming are a bit too much. If I only do the running every 4 days, it should be better.


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The running and the swimming are two kind of cardio sports that are very complementary. From the running, I get hard muscular legs and really huge calves and, from the swimming, nice upper body muscles. Unlike the legs, my pecs, shoulders and under arm muscles are nicely shaped like rubber. They are long and stretched […]

My blood test results came back and everything is normal. 3 little bold stuffs that were off only by the third digit. It seems that I am in good health conditions. I ran 6 kms and swam for 2 hours therefore I doubt that my conditions could be really bad to be honest.


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I found my favorite bag with a new color in a store. I had to replace my old bag which was torn apart. I was very happy because it had the same number of pockets! Also, I found the exact same leather jacket I had few years back on Amazon and I bought it again. […]


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I managed to finish all my doctors appointments: ophtamologist, dentist, general doctor. I was lucky I could change my glasses for new ones also. Now I have a blood analysis and an echography and it is done! I had a nice lunch with my sister, Lyn and Tom in Chinatown also.


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In Paris, I have to pay 5 Euros for a pass to the swimming pool. It is crowded. In my city, I have a yearly pass of 120 Euros only, meaning that if I go every day to the pool, it only costs 0.33 cents. The swimming pool in my city is newer and it […]

nO bEeR!

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NO BEER YESTERDAY. The little beer belly needs to go and I am felling really good. The intense running and swimming sessions are shaping nicely my body.


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6 kms of running + 2 hours of swimming! I should be in perfect shape in no time with this straining. I had an excellent dinner and I skipped lunch but had my orange juice as usual. I bought 92 Euros of Denim underwear again . It is free so why not go for it? […]

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