18 kMS!

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I ran 18 kms the last 2 weeks! It’s getting serious and the legs are like steels! I am focusing on getting used to the pain and I am building up the stamina than the speed. Slow but non stop and really good feeling afterwards.

I enjoy a lot these simple homemade Viet dishes:

I woke up late. I took the train and it was delayed because some woman got hurt. I wandered around a bit and I just went back home because it was too late to do anything else. Every move I did was annoyingly painful and I got hurt here and there. I just hated moving. […]

2 years after getting 2 speeding tickets consecutively, I am getting one speeding ticket in August. I am trying to cheat and declare it on my dad’s driving license. I wanted to recover all my points after 2 years of having 0 infractions.

It seems that I found the new tenant for my studio. Not too bad since it only took me 4 days because I was much more efficient with the selection than two years ago. Let’s hope for the best. I had a lot of sleep and I was in a good mood. Lots of good […]

pIn nuTS!

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I just discovered these expensive but delicious pine nuts, a superfood!


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I am renting my studio again and, of course after posting the ad, I received tons of applications. As usual, I discarded all applications with personal information: 1. Pregnant women rejected by the father of the unborn. 2. To be divorced women in need of a place 3. Couples I do not even know why […]


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I felt good after the run. It was a bit slower but less painful and no breaks in between laps. My heartbeat was much much better after the training, it was like getting tons of free oxygen.

dA Beast!

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I hold the Samsung S20 Ultra in my hands today at the store and I am loving it!


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I was sitting in the Starbuck cafee enjoying my afternoon when I heard a familiar tune on the radio. I shazamed the tune and found out why it was familiar to my ears, it was one of my favorite chinese lulaby: Qing Hua Ci by Jay Chou. I’ve heard it so many times but I […]

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