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Really nice cover of this famous song:


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It will be very hard to loose weight if I continue drinking beers and eating like I do 🙁


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My dad tested negative to antibodies meaning that, until the day they took his blood, he was not infected by the virus, so neither was I, since I live in the same apartment. I bought an insect hotel and I am improving my comfort against the heatwave:

My cousins have the annual beach event and I could not join because I wanted some geek time. My sister is taking her kids on vacation for 5 days. It is very hot in Paris so I wonder if it is not better just to stay in one place quietly:


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Enjoying a delicious Pho in Chinatown:

I buy the viet components required and my mother is cooking the traditional viet dishes:


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I started biking seriously again: 20 kms + hills and bike pushing. I am feeling much better after. The eating is healthier. I dedicated time to my shrimp tanks and I changed the water regularly. The death rate decreased immediately and I saw a lot more babies coming. I also received all my mycelium for […]


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I bought an automatic bean sprouts to play with during the winter since I do not have anything to grow when it will get colder :). I enjoy looking at seeds growing.

Not bad board game! I played Arkham Horror yesterday with another online player on TTS. Tabletop Simulator is really the future of board games for geeks like me.


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I am adding more green stuffs to my fridge and I am putting them where it is most convenient for me to grab them for a quick snack. Time to tackle the excess of weight seriously :).

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