The storm last week removed many leaves on 3 of my chilie pepper trees, however, I saw that they sprouted newer and nicer leaves. I, therefore, started to prune the other ones in order to obtain the same results. Let’s see how they will look like in few days:

s20 UlTra!

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I want to buy this Samsung S20 Ultra as soon as the price is a bit more decent, meaning around 650-700 Euros. I love what I have seen with the camera.


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There are a lot of fruits. I think there might be less than last year though.


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The Pink Oyster and the Pioppino mushrooms are developing nicely. The other bottles just stank.

New Toy, new pictures with the Galaxy S7 Edge:

I am glad I trie dto fix my sis’ Samsung galaxy S7 Edge. The S7’s camera is better than my Iphone 6S’. Samsung galaxy S7 Edge: Iphone 6S:


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I love my Amazon Echo Dot 3 (+ Alexa) that is in perfect synchronization with my Amazon Fire Stick 4 K. Maybe, AI is the future of mankind :).

It is good to see where we started time to time during a long hard project: AFTER: BEFORE:

tHe StOrM!

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The storm after the heatwave did some damages to my sister’s cellar and also to our garden. Despite all the precautions, there were casualties amongst my chilie trees, luckily the most beautiful ones with fruits were protected: BEFORE

mY bABies!

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My chilie trees are growing strong and they are beautiful:

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