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I resumed my training today. It was extremely painful however I felt much better mentally.

gOoD fOoD!

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I love homemade food and my cousins seem to enjoy a lot their Japanese restaurants:


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Once a year, I felt back to my childhood and started checking again the Asian kung-fu movies that I enjoyed so much when I was a kid. I’ve read the books countless times in Vietnamese. Yesterday was one of these days and I checked tons of cheesy Chinese music on Youtube. I did not sleep […]


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I’ve lost a few shrimps due to an excess of nitrate. Everything is good now and my little shrimps are thriving. However, I noticed a slowdown in the reproduction rate. The reason might be that I only have female shrimps left. I bought 2 extra shrimps just in case.


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The New Mutants is a FLOP!

I was a bit disappointed by TENET, the story is too complicated to be really enjoyable and the special effects were a bit strange to get used to. I got 40 Euros to waste from my ex-company to buy cultural stuffs, I bought a Google Home Nest. Now I have to compare the sound quality […]

mY tiMe!

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I spent 7 hours playing Twilight Imperium 4, 7 wonders Dual, Arkham Horror on Sunday. That was GREAT. I reserved a ticket at the theater at 20:00 and I will watch Tenet.


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I went to Chinatown, I ate my Vietnamese sandwich, I walked around and bought some colander to build my homemade seed sprouter, I took care of my shrimps and my garden and I played board games. It was a very relaxing Saturday!

keep looking »