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We started with food and a board game: agricola on Friday!


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I added few more to compensate the loss of my chilie peppers:


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I cannot wait to play with my sister’s new toy. I enjoy indeed BBQ stuffs:


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I spent my first 5 days of vacation last week visiting Paris and trying some food. Paris is still very affected by the lockdown and it was not as fun as usual.


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My last 3 days workshop at work. Tues- Thurs. It was a real shock to come back to work after 4 months teleworking. It looked all ugly and boring. I do agree with one fact, my job did not require me to be physically at work.

nEw hOBbY!

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Growing rare mushrooms:


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This is the video of the end of my cleaning, I was proud of myself 🙂

I managed to clean the entire cellar and that was the hardest part! See below the BEFORE photos: scary!

There is a small room at the bottom of the staircases leading to the my sister’s cellar, I started to clean this space after the fridge and the living-room: AFTER BEFORE


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My sis went on vacation and I came to her place to relax and to help with a bit of cleaning: fridge + living room for today! AFTER EMPTY BEFORE

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