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My weekends are now dedicated to hard work and my week days are like relaxation time to recover. It is taking shape after few weekends: June 13 2020:


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My cousins had a nice Korean BBQ and the photos look yummy!

Slowly but surely the walls appear and maybe a door soon:


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I am relaxing a bit this Friday, mainly shopping around before heading to my sister’s for the hard work on Saturday and Sunday. I am also trying to recover quickly from the cold:


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I am starting a new hobby that would allow me to farm rare mushrooms or edible ones all year long. My very first 4 bottles of substrate ready to be inoculated by spores ordered on Ebay:

I am preparing the substrate for my mushrooms: Cup Brown Rice 1 Vermiculite 2 Water 1 I’ve already ordered the grains or the liquid spores on eBay:

lAst dAy!

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I got sick overnight due to the A/C system at my sister’s place. We woke up early, we went to a farm to forage some fruits. My sister lost her phone during the walk back to the cars, luckily we had my Iphone 6S to ring hers and we recovered her phone after a short […]


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Olivier and Harold came back on Sunday to help more, unexpected. I thought they were crazy, they should have stayed home after Saturday!

hArd WorK!

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We did a lot during Saturday. Fred, Olivier, Harold + my parents and my brother did help a lot and gave a decisive jump start! The walls took shape nicely and quickly.

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