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I spent some time taking care of my little garden: I flipped the soil and I added more soil to some pots. The chilie pepper trees are doing great and they gave a lot of fruits.

I am spending a lot of my time recovering all of my storage of asian food since I did not have time the last few weeks. Covid-19 might come back. Relaxing time in Chinatown and eating goodies. Strangely, soybean seeds sold out and could not be found anymore.

bAck pAiN!

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All the back pain is gone quickly thanks to heating patches and rest! I returned back the old PC I had to my work place and I attended the annual reunion for my building. All boring stuffs that had to be completed and not to worry about anymore.


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All stress is gone and the stats are nice:


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So the plan is easy and peacy: Paris shopping and running. I will cherish my little garden and maybe get some rare stuffs. I am done with my ex company and they have agreed to pay 3 months + my remaining holidays: It should be around 5 months of salary for me. That is not […]


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My little trees have tons of fruits:


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Let’s get back to my cosy and quiet life: geeking! The last few weeks, I tried to help but the cost is a bit above my threshold: 2 hours to go back and forth + gas: 15 Euros Sleeping on the floor and not having my 4 screens Working > 8 hours on someone’s else […]


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I thought that my ASUS gamer PC was a bit slow because I ran out of space on my main C drive (SSD 256 Gb only) so I started to install games on other Drives. It was a mistake because I just reinstalled my C drive and freed up space to re-install the heavy game, […]

aRt wOrK!

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My uncle built a beautiful pond in his garden and everyone was impressed and wanted the same. My sister also wanted some fancy stairs for her house. Who is going to build them?

mY GarDen!

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It is growing nicely over the summer.

keep looking »