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I was pissed off, my parents managed to kill two of my precious chilie peppers by accident. I told them to stay away from my chili peppers! It took me 6 months to bring them from seeds to where they were and of course it was the ones that were having fruits that got killed. […]

hum …!

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White hair and probably excess of 2 Kgs, however I like being all natural. I knew how hard it was for my parents to stop the hair coloring and it was a shock for everyone to see them as they are.

Lyn and Tom were spoiled with tons of gifts and we did our best: Flickr ALBULM


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Life is always funny and it bites you back where you least expected it. 1. Titom’s lesson. I tried to look for something in the cellar and, for unknow reason, I followed Titom to the cellar. Titom was trying to pull my water gun, a gift I bought for his birthdate and he dropped a […]


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I’ll be on vacation for one week at the end of today!


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My chilie peppers are having flowers, they will soon have fruits and it is only the beginning of the summer. I will have plenty of time to have more:

I gwent back to work on Wednesday and Thursday to do some beta testing. All offices were eerily empty.


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My current weight: 64.9 Kgs MY ideal weight: 61 Kgs I am getting fat and the belly is visible.


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No more sore spots due to the fact I kept on moving everywhere and doing everything! I also went back to work and it was not bad.

vAc dAtes!

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So I planned my vacation as followed: 1 week at the beginning, the middle and the end of the summer: June 27 – July 5 + July 25 – Aug 02 + Aug 22 – Aug 30.

keep looking »