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I bought 2 excellent Udon Ramen and I forgot where I’ve bought them until today. I found them and immediatly bought the last 4 packs on the shelves. MY cousins also have their favorites:

Excellent board game with the same spirit as Baldur’s Gate!

moRe fOoD!

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Looks like Mr BoBo is back in business in no time and he received some cool gifts after his surgery, more fear than harm:

I bought a really good second hand bike that has been barely used for 60 Euros. Such a bargain! I also bought more chilie trees, my seeds had a hard time growing so I decided to buy plants that already have fruits so that we can all enjoy seeing flowers and fruits this summer.

mR bObO!

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We call Titom, Mr Bobo, because he always got hurt. Yesterday, Titom unluckily had a bad fall and broke his elbow. He underwent surgery on Sunday and there should not be any serious sequels to this unlucky event.


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My cousin and my sister know how to present their food. I prefer my traditional viet dishes:


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Last year, I made the mistake to leave my favorite chilie tree outside during the winter. When I tried to revive it by bringing it inside, it was sadly too late. The cold has killed the chilie tree and everyone in the family regretted the beautiful bush like tree. My dad asked me to try […]


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I finally found the courage to clean the entire aquarium. I transfered everything to another bowl and cleaned the aquarium completely. It was not too bad however I was glad I could remove the tartar. I had a lot of baby shrimps! I forgot to take a photo.

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